Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh what fun!

You know what better way to spend a dreary, cold, morning, than planting some plants.Every year I get this urge to plant things and watch them grow. I don't know why, because I usually end up killing it in the end. Well I guess it always gives me a sense of renewed hope, I think,"Maybe this year will be different. Maybe, just maybe." So wish me luck.
This is Noah "helping."(you know I love my air quotes=)

This is the treasure trove of seeds that I found. I don't know why I was so surprised, this is where I keep all my seeds, but I was surprised none the less.
I had all kinds of goodies...peat pods for starting seeds, seeds from Jennifer that are going in the front area(thanks Jennifer!), plant food, bug dust, you name it!
Here is my Rosemary. Trust me it smells wonderful!
Here are my little peat pods.
Here is what I planted in the pods...
zinnias, bachelor buttons, sweet basil, dill.....
The Lemon cucumbers, and the Thai eggplant, came free when I ordered the long noodle beans and the pumpkins. I love free seeds!
Last but not least here are pictures of what they are going to look like....yeah right!=)

Bachelor buttons
and Basil.
Wish me luck!


WhettenWild said...

Good for you!! I need to do that.........

ashley said...

i don't start all of mine from seeds. i buy the starter plants from lowes or walmart. good luck! post tons of pictures!

big8smiley said...

How cool! I hope they all turn out. We always go to the local nursery and buy our plants for our garden. This weekend, though, we are going seed shopping. I've never even done starters before. We'll probably stick the seeds in our storage until I get the urge to actually use them. Good luck!

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

You so fancy girl! I wish I could do that but I just don't feel settled enough, ya know? Lemme know how the lemon cucumbers taste.

Blast from the past

and all things denotes there is a God....

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