My arm is finally doing better (thanks for asking=) So here it is...
Our Memorial Day Vacation
As you can see we are very happy to be going!Family FUN!!!!!!!(We don't get out much)
This is the hotel room. It was very comfortable, two double beds,and a fold out sofa, all snuggled in with a little kitchenette. Very cozy.=)
See if you can guess who took these next set of pictures. Look and see who's missing. I will give you a's not Noah.(He is off playing in traffic somewhere..just kidding.)
The rest of the time was spent relaxing in the pool ,and hot tub, watching TV(cable TV what a treat!)and just being a family. We did go out to eat and see a movie too. It was a lot of fun!Raleigh is one of our favorite places to go!
DUDE $50 hot dogs and lemonades. I STILL can't get over it. Take it out of that man's hide. I woulda had the kids choke it back up and hand it back for that kinda pricing. For crying out loud y'all could have gone somewhere nice! What a weiner that guy was, no pun intended.
But looks like ya had fun!
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